Buffalo Grove, illinois

Sedation Dentistry

Comfortable, stress-free dental care
Worried about an upcoming dental appointment? You are not alone. Dental phobia and anxiety affect millions of people. That leads to the avoidance of needed preventive dental care, leaving your oral health at risk. The good news is that sedation dentistry can take the edge off your dental procedures, allowing you to relax in the dentist's chair.

Who Is a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry can be helpful to anyone, especially the following:

  • Patients with dental phobia or extreme fear of the dentist
  • Patients with past traumatic dental experiences 
  • Patients who experience extreme pain and sensitivity during dental treatments
  • Patients with long and complex procedures scheduled
  • Patients with a strong gag reflex
  • Patients who don't respond well to local anesthesia 
  • Patients with medical conditions worsened by stress 
  • Children who have a hard time sitting still
  • Patients with special healthcare needs

What Are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry?

Fear of the dentist, although unfounded, can lead to patients avoiding getting the dental care they need at the expense of their oral health. Sedation dentistry can significantly lower anxiety and discomfort, allowing you to get your needed dental care and lowering the fear of future visits to the dentist. Better yet, we are able to complete more dental treatments safely and effectively in a shorter amount of time. We invite you to talk to one of our team members to learn more about sedation dentistry and what it can do for you.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide, also known as happy gas or laughing gas, is a minimal form of inhaled sedation. It is best suited for patients with mild to moderate dental anxiety. Right before treatment, you will breathe nitrous oxide combined with oxygen through a mask placed over your nose. Within a few minutes, you'll feel a wave of euphoria washing over you, suppressing your dental fear and anxiety. You may feel a dreamy, floaty, and warm sensation and some tingling in your hands and feet. 

Nitrous oxide sedation creates a relaxed and comfortable state, allowing you to get your needed dental care. Even though you'll be relaxed, you'll be fully conscious and responsive to directions. Once your treatment is concluded, and we take off the mask, the effects of the nitrous oxide gas will wear off right away, allowing you to drive yourself home or back to work. 

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation involves taking oral medication to help you relax during treatment. Depending on the dose, your level of sedation can range from minimal to moderate. Oral conscious sedation is highly recommended for patients with moderate to severe dental fear and anxiety. 

After taking your pill, you'll start feeling incredibly comfortable and relaxed, and you may even drift off into sleep. You'll remain conscious and responsive to directions, but the odds are you won't remember much of the procedure itself. 

Oral sedation allows our valued patients to get their needed treatments with no fear or worry. However, it's important to note that it takes some time for the sedative drugs to wear off, meaning a trusted friend or family member will need to drive you home and stay with you for the remainder of the day.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation dentistry is a tried and tested practice with an incredibly high safety rate when administered by a trained dental professional. As with any other medical procedure, we will ask you about your health history and current medications. Our team follows all safety protocols and monitors your vital signs throughout treatment. Your safety and well-being are always our top priorities.

Sedation Dentistry Near Me in Buffalo Grove, IL

If you are interested in learning more about our sedation dentistry options for stress-free dental visits, call Omnia Dental at 847-495-2292 today. Our team never spares any effort to ensure our valued patients are comfortable while receiving the world-class dental care they deserve.