Dental Emergency Services in Vernon Hills, IL

At Omnia Dental in Vernon Hills, IL, we understand that dental emergencies can happen anytime and require immediate attention. Our dedicated team is here to provide prompt and reliable dental emergency services to help you alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and restore your oral health. With our experienced dentist, Dr. Alla Shtilman, you can trust that you will receive high-quality emergency dental care tailored to your needs.

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Dental Crowns and Bridges

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Dental Implants

Denture in Buffalo Grove, IL

Dentures and Partials

Emergency Dentistry in Buffalo Grove, IL

Emergency Services

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Invisalign Clear Aligners

Restorative Dentistry in Buffalo Grove, IL

Restorative Care

Root Canal Therapy in Buffalo Grove, IL

Root Canal

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Sedation Dentistry

Dental Teeth Extraction in Buffalo Grove, IL

Tooth Extraction

Teeth Whitening in Buffalo Grove, IL

Tooth Whitening

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any oral health issue requiring immediate attention to alleviate severe pain, stop bleeding, prevent infection, or save a tooth. These emergencies can arise from various situations, such as accidents, trauma, sudden pain, or complications from previous dental work. Recognizing the signs of a dental emergency is crucial in seeking timely care and preventing further damage.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency, and When Should I Seek Immediate Dental Care?

Common dental emergencies include:

  • Severe toothache: Persistent and intense tooth pain can indicate an underlying issue, such as an infection or tooth decay, requiring immediate dental care.
  • Knocked-out tooth: If a tooth gets knocked out, it is crucial to seek immediate dental attention. Rinse the tooth gently without removing any attached tissue and try to place it back in its socket while seeking dental care.
  • Broken or chipped tooth: A broken or chipped tooth can cause pain and sensitivity. Collect any broken pieces and seek dental care immediately to prevent further damage.
  • Lost dental restoration: If a crown, bridge, or filling falls out, it is essential to see a dentist promptly to protect the affected tooth from further decay or damage.
  • Abscess or swelling: A pimple-like swelling on your gum accompanied by pain can indicate a dental abscess. Prompt dental care is necessary to prevent the infection from spreading.
  • Excessive bleeding: If you experience uncontrolled bleeding from the mouth, it is important to seek immediate dental care or visit the nearest emergency room.

What Can I Do at Home to Manage a Dental Emergency Before Seeing a Dentist?

While you wait for your emergency dental appointment, there are a few steps you can take to manage the situation:

  • Toothache: Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater, use over-the-counter pain relievers, and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  • Knocked-out tooth: If possible, gently place the tooth back into its socket, or keep it in a container of milk or saliva until you see the dentist.
  • Broken or chipped tooth: Rinse your mouth with warm water, apply a cold compress to reduce swelling, and avoid chewing on the affected side.
  • Lost dental restoration: Clean the restoration and try to reattach it temporarily using dental cement or temporary dental adhesive.
  • Abscess or swelling: Rinse your mouth with mild saltwater, take over-the-counter pain relievers, and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  • Excessive bleeding: Apply gentle pressure to the bleeding area with clean gauze or a damp tea bag.

What To Expect During a Dental Emergency Visit in Vernon Hills, IL?

When you visit Omnia Dental for a dental emergency in Vernon Hills, IL, our friendly and experienced team will prioritize your comfort and well-being. Dr. Alla Shtilman will perform a thorough examination to assess the extent of the emergency and develop a personalized treatment plan

Is It Necessary To Call Ahead Before Visiting a Dental Clinic for an Emergency?

While calling ahead is optional, contacting our office at 847-495-2292 before your visit is highly recommended. This call allows us to prepare for your arrival, ensure availability, and provide you with any necessary instructions to manage the situation effectively.

Are Dental Emergency Services Available Outside of Regular Business Hours?

At Omnia Dental, we understand that dental emergencies can happen outside of regular business hours. That is why we offer comprehensive emergency dental services to accommodate your needs. Feel free to contact our office for guidance for dental emergencies outside our business hours. We offer concierge emergency dental care during nights and weekends, ensuring prompt relief with an additional fee.

Dental Emergency Prevention Tips

Although dental emergencies can occur unexpectedly, there are preventive measures you can take to reduce the risk:

  1. Maintain good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice daily, floss daily, and rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash.
  2. Wear protective gear: If you participate in sports or activities with a risk of dental trauma, wear a mouthguard.
  3. Avoid chewing on hard objects: Refrain from biting on hard candies, ice, or non-food items that can chip or break your teeth.
  4. Attend regular dental check-ups: Routine dental visits allow for the early detection and prevention of dental issues before they become emergencies.
  5. Address dental problems promptly: Do not ignore dental pain, sensitivity, or signs of infection. Seek dental care as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

How Much Does Emergency Dental Care Cost in Vernon Hills, IL?

The cost of emergency dental care can vary depending on the specific treatment required. At Omnia Dental, we strive to provide transparent pricing and work with various insurance providers to maximize your coverage. Our knowledgeable team will discuss the cost of your emergency dental treatment and help you explore payment options, such as dental financing, to make your care affordable and accessible.

Find A Reliable Emergency Dentist in Vernon Hills, IL, Today!

When a dental emergency strikes, prompt and reliable care is crucial. At Omnia Dental in Vernon Hills, IL, we are here to provide you with the exceptional emergency dental services you need. Contact us at 847-495-2292 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Alla Shtilman or for immediate assistance during a dental emergency. Trust your oral health with our skilled team at Omnia Dental.